Share vpn over hotspot android
Share vpn over hotspot android

share vpn over hotspot android

Tap on the “icon” next to the Wi-Fi network to access the specific settings of the wireless connection.Tap on the Wi-Fi settings category and you will be at a screen as shown below.When the Settings app loads, you will be at the General Settings category. Check “Use a proxy server for your LAN” and enter the network address and port of the proxy as follows:.

share vpn over hotspot android

Click the “LAN Settings” button at the bottom of the window.

  • Click the “Connections” tab at the top of the Internet Options window.
  • Go to Control Panel > Network and Internet > Internet Options.
  • If the second device is a Windows computer.
  • You will now have access to the VPN connection from your other Android device.
  • Click “Save” to save and then connect to the Wi-Fi.
  • Dropdown for Proxy select “Manual” and enter:.
  • Click on it, enter the password if protected and then scroll down and click on “Advanced options”.
  • Select the Wi-Fi name that you want to connect to. The Hotshare tethering tool incorporated in HTTP Injector makes it possible for you to share the VPN connection. This free tunnel app for Android comes with a very stunning tool. To achieve this, we can make use of another VPN app - HTTP Injector.
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  • Share vpn over hotspot android